Running to 100 Store

Thursday, December 9, 2010

So I have decided

So I have decided in spite of all the emotional turmoil I am experiencing due to personal/life issues I will continue on as time and emotional stability are available. This DOES not mean I will not continue training for Pine to Palm 100 mile trail race. 
To the contrary I will probably train more to keep my sanity. Training for me is therapeutic. It helps sort out my thoughts. It helps settle my mind and gives me at least a few moments of respite from the daily stresses of life.  I find this to be a "medication" the revives me to deal with my life outside of training.
You see I am a creative person. When a person is able to produce what they were built for a settled, calm mind is often found in that process. Creativity in running is a wonderful thing for me. My paint brushes are my shoes, the canvas the trail,my body the paint and my soul the artist. I find contentment in picking up the tools of trade to see what art will come from the days run. 
With that said I have been cleaning my brushes and organizing all of my tools. They will be ready come Jan. 1st to unfold what is to be found in my soul. Emotion painted in motion.

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