Running to 100 Store

Saturday, January 1, 2011

One day down 259 to go

So today was the first "official" day of training for Pine to Palm 100. To celebrate this day Derek made his way down to southern Pennsylvania for a nice 7.4 mile trail run and then a bit of good food.
As many of you know today is also the first day of not shaving for 259 days! Derek will grow a mustache and I will be growing a beard! Should be interesting in the warm months.
So nothing new to report other than my IT Band can still be grumpy at times but the stretching seems to be helping.
Derek seemed to have no issues at all today other than slight weakness in his legs which may be due to not running much in the last several weeks.
So a few pics of us now. Hopefully we are much prettier after our 100 mile race :)
Happy New Year,
Jesse and Derek


  1. With apologies (but not unexpectedly, I suppose), I'm going to be tracking the beard and moustache progress as closely as the training. I've got no shot of finishing ahead of either of you in a footrace but I can hold my own on facial hair.

  2. Derek and I will NEED your help in managing all of the manly facial hair no doubt. You are the go to man for this without a doubt. We shall keep you in the fold :) _Jess
