Yesterdays athletic endeavors have left me feeling sore today. In the early hour I did deadlifts,various cable rows,stretching and overhead bench press. I also spent about 15 minutes for warm up on the elliptical. In the afternoon I decided to run 5 road miles during lunch at work. For the first time in months I ran. Ended up doing 5 miles at 7 minutes per mile pace. Not race pace but no longer "jogging". I felt like the wind. Let me tell you feeling like the wind is a good good thing.
In the afternoon I was back at the gym. Did 55 minutes on the stairclimber. Total of 3 minutes running on it. My legs were pretty spent from the gym and then running during lunch. They were fully toasted when I stepped of the climber.
This morning I hit the gym as usual. Did 15 minutes on the elliptical then spent the rest of the hour lifting weights and stretching. I did cable pulldowns,zortman curls,single leg crunches on the crunch machine. Also did a bit of core work. All in all I had a really solid workout this am.
This afternoon will be more of the same evening workout I had yesterday. I plan on doing 50 minutes to an hour on the stairclimber. I will most likely not run on it this evening. After yesterdays semi hard run during lunch coupled with running on the stair climber in the evening my achilles was a bit sore today. Nothing horrible but it let me know that he needed a break today. I really really wanted to run during lunch today. But I am trying to exercise restraint and get healed up. Looks like I will be able to run every other day on the road for the coming weeks. Hopefully Late next week I will begin to run daily during lunch.
If I can get a good run in daily during lunch then hit the stairclimber in the evening that is a solid 2 hours a day of fairly intense cardio. I hope that will begin to bring some of the fitness back that I have lost. At this point I cannot imagine being ready for the Hat Run 50k in mid March but I have to trust in the progress I will see as my training moves forward. When your low it's hard to remember what it's like to be high.
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