I cannot tell you what is different today from yesterday specifically. But as I walked up the two flights of stairs to my work desk something had. It was a strange feeling. Almost a smell really. A smell of change there are no words to describe.
It was a physical and mental change together of equal parts. I felt sure and steady no side to side wobble. No spiritual wobble.
On those stairs I found sure footing. One after the other spirit and body fell in line. A straight line, focused and ready. My achilles is feeling more better than bad. My knee is manageable and will most likely cough out its last complaints as I begin to run again on a regular basis.
I am excited to be on the trails again. I am excited to see how my loops have changed since the last time we danced. Will I remember how to dance on the trails? No doubt I will be rusty but as I begin to sketch out the run I am sure the final picture will come out clear.
I may just take a 5 or 6 mile trail run tonight in the dark. I miss those times while running at night when the snow is beginning to fall. The trail is smoothed like icing. The air is still, only my body slicing through. To stop, squat down and sit still. I can hear the snow falling. I can smell the wet fur of the deer. I am an animal. I am at peace.
May a peace find you on your runs as it finds me. May a peace find you in this coming new year.
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