Running to 100 Store

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Running to 100: Let the beards begin.

Running to 100: Let the beards begin.: "This coming weekend is January 1st. 2011. Yeah it's the new year and no I am not going to go into new years resolutions. I don't do them. ..."

Let the beards begin.

This coming weekend is January 1st. 2011. Yeah it's the new year and no I am not going to go into new years resolutions. I don't do them. But what this Janurary 1st is for me is technically the first day of training for Pine to Palm 100 mile race next September. Everything in my running will point towards this race.
As an outward commitment to this task I will no longer be shaving my face. That's right, from this Saturday until next September. Do I look forward to this? Nope. But I am not alone as misery loves company. Derek is also not shaving. No, not a beard for him. Just a mustache! I personally think that is worse but he looks good with a mustache. I on the other hand do not. I have never grown a full on beard my whole life. So I look at this as an opportunity to grow one for the first time and probably the last.
I know it seems silly but there is something primal about not shaving. In order to win Pine to Palm 100 I am going to need every bit of animal that still beats deep inside of my soul. I mean really we all have an animal in us. It has been stilled by the modern way. But if you push hard enough, consistently looking it is still found in all of us.
So to recap the last day or two. I ran two days in a row. Once on trail and once on road. Proved too much for my achilles tendon. It's not fully injured again but its more tender than before. So I have found for now I can run slowly for about 5 to 7 miles at most every other day. I will take that. Hopefully as the coming weeks pass this will begin to unfold into every day easy then every day as hard as I want.
I am still lifting weights pretty much 6 days a week. I did so this am. I hope to post up some videos of what I do in the gym but normally am so short on time while there I don't have a moment to tape anything. I promise I will eventually get some video. I will be at the gym this evening. Changing things up a little. Doing 40 minutes on the stair climber. Running on it when my achilles allows. I am up to 4 minutes running in a 50 minute session. Then I will switch to elliptical for 10 minutes. Elliptical is more like running than the stair climber. I am finding when I do run my calves are sore at the lower section of muscle. Apparently I do not use this part of the muscle while stair climbing but DO when on the elliptical.
To celebrate the coming years racing goal Derek is making his way down for a 5 to 7 mile trail run. I am leading a group of about 5 or 6 then having homemade brownies and coffee at the end for some good community with other great running people.
Cheers all,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shadowed Sun

Sometimes it seems shadows are constantly over my life. Both from an emotional perspective but also from a "life choices" perspective. I have never been one to make large life decisions wisely. A million reason why this is the case and a million more to blame. But in the end they are my choices. Made by me, by me alone.
This life issue of mine was being tossed around in my brain while I put on my running clothes.
It was nighttime as I got ready and the wind was howling. I mean literally. The car was rocking back and forth. The thought started to creep in "all this darkness,cold,wind" I don't want to get out of the car and run. I was presented with the choice... run or not.
In looking at many of my bad decisions of the past most of them have been made while in darkness. What I mean by darkness is emotionally I was not in a good place. I also found myself making decisions on the spot without being fully informed on the decision I was about the make. Snap decisions being made without logical thought. Shooting from the hip.
I wondered last night if I should make the decision to run being clouded by the darkness,cold and wind. Would it be a wise choice? I decided to ignore the "whats the point of this run" "you don't have to do this" "your tired go home" "your no runner". I finished up putting on my clothes. Wrapped my headlight around my head and stepped out of the car.
The wind hit me like a train. It was cold. One thing most people who succeed in life don't tell you much about is even though you may make the correct choice it often times does not feel good. I was not feeling good. To boot a hunter was packing up his truck and he says something like "what and the hell are you doing running in this weather at night". I paused for a second and then the truth came to me. I responded "because this is livin' man!".
For some reason at that moment I believed that to my core. When you ignore the darkness in your life,think through your choice and follow it through it hurts. But in those times is when you find "life". May hurt for some time. May hurt for a long time but looking back I believe you will find a wise choice that was made that brought fruit for the long term.
The point of my run last night was not to run just 5.5 miles. It was for the long term good. I see no good in the short term but on long hills 78 miles into a race some months from now that cold nights 5.5 miles will be in the bank. Saved up. I will have a return and that return will allow growth that otherwise would not have been possible. I refused the darkness,thought about my options and what each brought to the table and chose.
My run ended up being a blessing before it was said and done. The trail was smooth from the snow. The trees clattered and chattered their night time conversation as the wind blew their brittle limbs against each other. Breath rose from my mouth like steam from a train climbing up a mountain side. Cold air brushing my face, creeping up my sleeves. The run was over and it was time to leave.
I ran through the darkness last night and am a better man today from it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Feel Good Lost

This past saturday I decided to go for an early EASY trail run. At this point I am unable to push my achilles at all. Yes I can run sort of. More like a jog. On hills I have to be really careful to not strain it too much. I know it's healing but it is still very tender.
Anyway I mapped out a new park that I had never been to about 25 min. outside of Fairfax,Va. Looked to be about 20 miles of trails. So I headed out. Figured I could fine a nice 5 mile loop or at least and out and back. Got to the park and it was closed! So I parked outside of the gate and well, broke the law and went for a run in the woods. Found the trail map. Ah… a 6 mile loop. Perfect. Follow the blue blaze.
I headed out out occasionally glancing up at the trail markers to be sure I had not missed a turn.
So what was suppose to be a short easy run turned out to be a rather long semi hard run. The problem I ran into was the blue blazes never looped back! Of course I had brought no water, had eaten very little before I left and had minimal amounts of clothes on. At around 5 or 6 miles of running I though, Hmmm, shall i turn around? I realized if I did this run was going to be a solid 12 mile run. So I figured no no no… the trail map said it was a loop!! I continued on following the blue blazes.
I will pause from the drama for just a few moments to comment on the run itself.
The trails were great. A mix of technical,easy single track and those fantastic swooping downhills in the pines. A couple of times it was as if I was running through a tube of trees. The silence was fantastic. I stopped several times just to listen. I heard nothing. I mean nothing. Silence. How precious silence is to me. True silence is very hard to come by. I always relish those few moments when I am blessed with it's gift. Also happened upon not one but several graveyards. The old family farm graveyards. I stopped at each one since I am a lonely graveyard fan. Deep in the woods alone with a snippet of memory chosen for each person I began to think how my own life is just a snippet of memory.
Seems your influence on others is the best memory to be passed on. A memory living on. The one stone said "was always the sunshine of the house". It was a mom I presume. Were her influences still living on in some person I do not know? I suspect so. I liked to think they were positive considering she was remembered as "the sunshine of the house". What a pleasant way to be talked of.
Having friends and family to be a positive influence on is such an important part of life. I have only just begun to realize the importance of this. At times you need to be there for others. At times they will need to be there for you. Together you are more than alone. I cannot think of many things more beautiful than that.
Having run for over six miles and deciding to press on hoping the trail ended I did so. Another 50 minutes later I arrive at a parking lot. Not the parking lot I started at. Broke out the phone after having found the nearest intersection road names. Called Monica and told her through my embarrassment I had gotten lost and needed to be picked up. She happily found the directions and was soon off driving to pick me up. I needed her. I was thankful for her. "always the sunshine of the house" she was.
Warm food and a soft bed never felt so good some hours later.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Small Thoughts Small Video

The past two days have been a real blessing. I ran just over 6 miles yesterday in the woods. Twas good to breath fresh air and spend some time in the woods again. I have missed it. One thing I love about the woods is it's always, well, the woods. One hundred years ago it was just as it is now. A place of peace not dated nor a fad. Waiting for someone to enjoy. Timeless.
My achilles was grumpy today from the hill running but NOT re injured. Just kinda sore. My knee was almost a non factor. On one hand I am a little sad because I tasted the run and it tasted good. But I am also thankful that I could even taste it at all.
Progress has come and is coming. Patience is what I need to exercise.
I hit the gym this am. Lifted weights for an hour then did 55 minutes on the stairclimber. I was beat. Soon time to eat copious amounts of yummy food at the Mullen home. I am excited.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I cannot tell you what is different today from yesterday specifically. But as I walked up the two flights of stairs to my work desk something had. It was a strange feeling. Almost a smell really. A smell of change there are no words to describe.
It was a physical and mental change together of equal parts. I felt sure and steady no side to side wobble. No spiritual wobble.
On those stairs I found sure footing. One after the other spirit and body fell in line. A straight line, focused and ready. My achilles is feeling more better than bad. My knee is manageable and will most likely cough out its last complaints as I begin to run again on a regular basis.
I am excited to be on the trails again. I am excited to see how my loops have changed since the last time we danced. Will I remember how to dance on the trails? No doubt I will be rusty but as I begin to sketch out the run I am sure the final picture will come out clear.
I may just take a 5 or 6 mile trail run tonight in the dark. I miss those times while running at night when the snow is beginning to fall. The trail is smoothed like icing. The air is still, only my body slicing through. To stop, squat down and sit still. I can hear the snow falling. I can smell the wet fur of the deer. I am an animal. I am at peace.
May a peace find you on your runs as it finds me. May a peace find you in this coming new year.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Forward Movement

As I set here and type this I have been going over and over in my head what this coming year will look like. This seems to be the year of the unknown. In my personal life there are rather large looming unknowns. I am going to school to try and get a 4 year sports physical therapy degree. Completion of that seems light years from here. Injury has plagued my body as of late. I get up in the morning and wonder where that person is that can run 30 miles in the mountains, come home mow the lawn and forget that I had even run that day. How will my training unfold with Derek for Pine to Palm this coming September? Am I even capable of running 100 miles?
It's easy for me to be drowned emotionally and spiritually in these types of questions. But one idea I cling to is "moving forward". It is not wrong for me to think of such things but in the past I have let this type of thought process paralyze me. I would drown in a sea of self doubt,wishful thinking and depression. But no longer. I can't afford to do that anymore. I am not 20 years old. Each day statistically I become less likely to make it to the next. Now is the time to stand up and see what god willing I can do.
Never have I been a list person nor am I still. But I have begun to make at least a few short mental lists that constantly come to mind in both my daily but long term routine. One of those list is what do I need to be good at? Often I find myself average at everything because I do just that. Everything. Over the years I believed I was average at everything because I was not capable or talented enough. Through running I have realized I was a quitter. When those defining moments of progress were presented to me they were typically covered in effort or pain. Often I was not willing to work through them to see the fruit that was to come. I guess in a way I was immature and short sighted.
This list of what I need to be good at is a tool to keep me from those mistakes in the past. A reminder of what defines me as a human who was built to live. We were not built to be idle. Work is good and right. From it comes blessing. Blessing for yourself but also others. Isn't that why we are here? To bring something better into a world that is so often burdened by just the opposite? I am not saint nor anyone special. But I am making this year of "moving forward" a year of outward expression of inner struggle.
My short list of things to be good at is nothing special but I am willing to share if you are interested. First is be a better dad for my daughter. Second is be a better friend to those who are in touch with my life. Third to be a better runner across the board. Fourth be a good student following through with my commitments. Finally work on my relationships with family. Non of the items listed are in an order of importance. They are all important to me. Some may be more of a focus on certain days but over all they are my goals. They are goals for myself but not just for me. The hope is through sacrifice of myself looking long term they will be blessing to others as much as they are for me.
The art of living. Isn't that what we all long to do? To live and to live as richly as possible? Each person has their own way of expressing the art. I encourage everyone to look deep in their souls, pull out their brushes of life and begin to paint the wonderful pictures of life. .

Monday, December 20, 2010

In my ears today

This whole album is on my top ten list of the last decade.

In my ears today

This whole album is on my top ten list of the last decade.

In the sea of uncertainty

The past several days have brought a few things to light for me. One is that I still love to run and I AM still a runner. Two is that I am beginning to think my injuries could be a blessing. Finally I realized the importance of friends.
On saturday I planned a visit to a 10k road race to cheer on two of my good friends running the race along with various other running folks I know from running races.
While driving to the race I got this giddy feeling inside. It was the feeling that I was about to run a race. The sun was out my achilles was not feeling too bad and my knee. Well it is manageable. Suddenly I realized that "holy crap" I am going to run this race. Should I? No… But man that sun was pretty, boy that air is crisp and man have I drank way too much coffee. You see a runner going to a race to cheer is like a drunk going to a bar to recover from drinking.
So I made a deal with myself. If I can run the race for free with no bib keeping me from being competitive then I would do it. So I ask the directors if they minded that I ran bandit style just to see if I could run the 10k without dropping. They said sure just don't cross the line. That was it. I was running and it was a race.
Started at the back of the pack. My goal… Do 9:30 miles and come away not injured. How strange it was to be at the back of the pack. How strange it was to not shoot off like a rabbit at the start. But it was nice. I was running with others and not alone. A good friend of mine Larry is recovering from various injuries so we ran together.
The first 2 miles went as planned but we were running 8:30s, it was downhill.
IT Band bothered me a little but I could manage it. Achilles didn't feel so well on the down hills. But I figured it would loosen up as I warmed up. Then it happened. Everyone kept groaning about a "serious" hill at mile 3.5 and mile 5. I LOVE HILLS!
Sure enough at mile 3.5 there was a hill. Not a mountain trail hill but a good sized hill non the less. My achilles does not hurt on hills too much if I don't toe off at all.
I hit the hill and took off. Bombed straight up the hill. Passed about 50 people.
Guess what folks.. I was a runnin fool. Man did it feel good.
My soul was freed on that hill. My spirit was a gust of wind ripping through the trees. I was doing what I was meant to do. I got to the top and realized man I have not run almost at all for 3 months and I just bombed that hill. The strength training at the gym was going to be a very very valuable asset later on this year when I can really run. I was thankful.
I backed off a bit and waited for hill number two. It was another very nice hill. Again I took off and nailed it with everything I had that day without using my achilles too much. Passed a bunch more people and cruised to the finish minus crossing the line :). At the finish who did I hear and see? My good friend Derek Schultz. Derek could hardly yell because he has a nasty chest cold but he yelled with everything he had that day for me. I ran with everything I had that day. We were honest. We were trying. At that moment I was colored from head to toe in thankfulness.
At this time of Derek yelling and me running I had taken a step back because I have had to. I have slowed down. I have begun to smell the the subtle blessing in life. I have seen the richness I have. We are not always meant to be perfect. Both spiritually but also physically. This world has brokenness in it including me. But from brokenness can come healing. Without one there is not that other.
Today I am sore. My achilles is not happy. Should I have run? No. But I learned so much from doing so. I have also discovered that thick thighs+rubbing=chaffing!!
I have never had an issue with this. But I was not sweating much while running and my thighs have gotten so thick from weight lifting that they rubbed like there was not tomorrow. As we speak I have large bandages on my inner thighs because they are so torn up! So now that you know that let me crawl back into my humble hole and recover.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pace is the Trick

I can honestly say I have never felt a 5 mile road jog feel better than todays did.
That's right. I ran well sorta jogged a solid 5 miles with hills on the road today.
Something occurred to me during this excursion. I thought back to when my IT Band started getting grumpy for the first time ever and realized a few things.
One, was I had changed my stride due to another injury. In doing so I started angling my right foot outward instead of straight forward. Couple this with running in worn out Salomon shoes that made my right heal sag to the outside during push off only encouraged me to do this.
When I started off on todays jog I realized how much of my power on my right leg was being pushed out through the outside of my right heal. Normally your power should be pushed out through the ball of your foot. My left leg was doing this but my right leg was not.
I could feel my IT being grumpy within the first .5 miles. But I made a conscious effort to pull my right toes in to straighten out my leg. It felt as if i was duck footed on my right leg but when I looked down it was perfectly straight like my left leg! When I pulled my leg straight the IT Band pain instantly went away!
So looks like a bad habit in form coupled with the very high mileage I was doing back at the end of summer came back to haunt me. I hope in the long run no pun intended that this very dark period I have been in will benefit my running for years to come.
So I will continue stretching as I have been but i am going to start really training my foot to turn inward to match my left. I suspect this will take many miles of conscious effort before it becomes the norm but that is ok. I can work with that.
What a gift todays run was. I forgot what it felt like to run. Nothing cleanses my thoughts and puts things in order like running.

In these moments

Over the past several weeks I had not been seeing a whole lot of change in the way of my body healing or fitness gains from strength training.
One day sort of blurred into the next. I found myself driving to the gym in the dark around 6am wondering what and the heck am I doing?
I work very hard every day and still cannot run and still feel broken down physically.  I have begun to learn through my past racing/running experiences that in these moments if you resist the urge to quit typically this is where you experience breakthroughs.
Indeed I have begun to see real change over the last few days. I have adjusted my nutrition to now include Natures Way Alive daily vitamins. I normally do not take vitamins because of GI issues but Natures Way Vitamins are made from whole foods. Basically ground up veggies,fruits,herbs ect ect. Seems that my body is perfectly fine with this product which makes me very happy. I have also begun to take a tendon/ligament supplement from Vitamin shop. The verdict it out about this product being effective but considering how my IT band and achilles tendons have been figured it could not hurt. 
So what kind of changes have I begun to see over the last few days? Well first my achilles are getting better. WAY better. They were slowly healing over the last few weeks but this past week they have healed more than all of the other weeks combined. This happens to be the same week I started taking the vitamins. Are they related? Don't know. But I suspect there is a possibility. I have also begun to see real strength gains from my daily weight lifting. I knew I was getting bigger because none of my pants fit around my thighs anymore but more importantly my ability to lift weight has gone up. I ran on the stair climber last night at the gym after 45 hard minutes of climbing and for the first time felt I could really dig in because of my achilles being stronger. I ran for over a minute which does not seem like a lot but after 45 hard minutes and then it being a stair climber a minute is a long time. But I found after the minute I had way more left in the tank. I did not keep going for fear of pushing my tendons too hard but for the first time I felt that I could really hammer it. 
So my classes are finished as of last night and a huge weight have been lifted from my shoulders. It was all I could do to hang on with regards to school but just as mentioned before.. in those moments of wanting to quit you usually have break throughs. Indeed I did in schooling by way of classes finishing up! 
So today I think for the first time in over 3 months I will go for an easy 4 mile road run during lunch at work. Will my IT band bother me? Probably. Do I care today? No. If it does it does. I will keep pushing on with my stretching,strength training and limited running in hopes of working through it. If I keep on history tells me there will be a breakthrough. 
When I run at lunch today, if I feel pain from the IT band… With renewed hope of a breakthrough coming I will not be discouraged but just the opposite will be encouraged knowing what lies ahead.
Happy Friday,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Am I still a runner? Why have I been cursed…

This past Sunday I decided since I had not seen/felt or heard of any pains coming from my right IT Band to go for a very easy 5 to 6 mile run on the trails. Yes my achilles are still not healed but they are good enough for an easy 5 mile run.
Honestly going into this test run I was more concerned about them than my IT Band. I figured the IT Band was over and healed.
I thought wrong. My achilles were actually ok. I mean I could not run hard with out re-injuring them but for an easy run they are strong enough. My IT band instantly started hurting about mile 3! I even walked the first mile to warm up. Needless to say I was utterly crushed.
Almost 3 months of no running. Constant strength training to work on muscle imbalances. Stretching daily. All for nothing. It was like i had done nothing.
I am at a loss on what to do. Yesterday standing in the rain, covered in mud I broke down and cried. My knee is a symbol of my life. I try with all my heart doing what I think is best only to realize I had made no progress. So alone I stood in the darkness.
I am still waiting and still hoping to see the lessons to be learned during this time of suffering and change. I hope in the fruit that will come from going through this. I hope to be a better runner some day. I hope to be a better person some day.
So knowing I cannot just sit back and do nothing. I am going to try and save up some money to pay for a full on gait analysis as the University of Virginia.
They have an endurance sports unit on campus that does just that. It's a 3.5 to 4 hour project. They put you through a whole slew of test to see what may be causing your injury. I think this is the next logical step in trying to find a long term solution to my inability to run healthy. See this link if you have any interest in doing this yourself.
I emailed them today to check on scheduling. I will have to take a day off work to drive down there. I kinda dread wasting a vacation day on that but I see no other choice.
So it's back to the gym and not running as it has been for over the last 2 months.

Friday, December 10, 2010

In a world full of pain there is hope

As i mentioned in my previous post I am going through some very difficult times in my personal life.
I called Derek my partner in crime for this journey to 100 miles to talk about what is going on and how it will impact our 
training for Pine to Palm 100. 
We spoke of course directly about my personal struggles but we also spoke on the macro level of struggle that is life.
My life, Derek's life are no different from anyone else's in history. There is failure,both personally but also from those around us. There is pain
that can bring you to your knees. There is also victory and progress that can make you fly as high as the clouds. Those victories at first glance would suggest that is where the most satisfaction, the most hope and wholeness would come from. But I would suggest that those victories and progress would only come from the soil of pain and struggle. 
This brings me to the conclusion that victory and progress are no more joyful or satisfying than the greatest pains and struggles we feel/face in life.
Indeed the emotional pain I am in right now brings me to my knees. I do not like it one bit. It strips me of peace and of contentment. But it also gives me clear direction. It gives me passion to fight. The opportunity to exercise the will to go on and look for that progress and victory that so eludes me in my current situation. 
This race that Derek put on his calendar that I by chance became interested in long before this emotional upheaval, has taken on new meaning. Both Derek and this race are a blessing in my life and are about to unfold over time. I know inside this will be a cleansing, a journey to purity mind. A journey to progress and victory.  It will be medicine to hang on. Our passion driven by pain.
The pain I now feel will be the soil, Derek my water and god the gardener. Yes there are other things in my life that come into play. But for the sake of this blog and keeping to what it is about … I will just have to leave some things unsaid. 
Into the dark soil Derek and I will go during this time and from the dark soil we will emerge blessed by the pain showered in victory and progress. 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

So I have decided

So I have decided in spite of all the emotional turmoil I am experiencing due to personal/life issues I will continue on as time and emotional stability are available. This DOES not mean I will not continue training for Pine to Palm 100 mile trail race. 
To the contrary I will probably train more to keep my sanity. Training for me is therapeutic. It helps sort out my thoughts. It helps settle my mind and gives me at least a few moments of respite from the daily stresses of life.  I find this to be a "medication" the revives me to deal with my life outside of training.
You see I am a creative person. When a person is able to produce what they were built for a settled, calm mind is often found in that process. Creativity in running is a wonderful thing for me. My paint brushes are my shoes, the canvas the trail,my body the paint and my soul the artist. I find contentment in picking up the tools of trade to see what art will come from the days run. 
With that said I have been cleaning my brushes and organizing all of my tools. They will be ready come Jan. 1st to unfold what is to be found in my soul. Emotion painted in motion.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So it's been a short run

I am going to have to discontinue this blog. I have run into some very serious personal issues and am
too mentally distraught to dedicate time to this. If things change in the future I will begin to post up entries again.
For now unless Derek decides he wants to post there will be no more updates.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The evening workout and soreness

I was really dragging today. Lack of sleep,life stress and other things have seem to of taken their toll on me.
I did lift weights this am but this evening I didn't want to go to the gym. I just wanted to go home.. eat a big meal and go to bed. But I sucked it up and did the stairclimber on 14 for 45 minutes.
I was sad today because my achilles tendon was sore from yesterdays bike ride. This means it's TOTALLY not ready to run let alone bike for long periods. So much for commuting to work. It just cannot take 40 miles total on the bike yet. Good news is my IT Band I am almost certain has stopped barking at me.
I need to exercise patience and keep focus correcting what I can and leaving be what I cannot. That is an art form I have yet to master. That includes the rest of my life not just exercise/running. So in my funk that I am in I need to recognize it as an opportunity for growth. Things of value are seldom easy and this is no exception.
I may take tomorrow am off and take a walk during lunch. I am really sore all over from the weight lifting and the bike ride. Depends if I can sleep. Seems the stress of life has taken away my ability to sleep at will. So I go on with about 5 hours tops of sleep a night. Augh....
Night Everyone,

Went for a ride

Did 20 miles on the rail trail yesterday in the cold wind. Ended up doing it in 1 hour 20 min including a stop to take some pics. Knee is sore today due to the seat being too low.
Adjusted that. Hopefully that will address the knee issue for future rides.
I still miss running but at least I was outside for an extended period of time.
Nothing new to report other than lifting weights,riding bike and doing stair climber. Hopefully I can run in a few weeks to see how bad my fitness actually is.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

So I am picking up the bike today..

Heading off to REI to pick up the big buzz commuter bike. Can't wait! Oh and it's the attic sale. Hmmm.. maybe find a good deal. I may ride my bike to the gym today instead of driving!
Will post up later when I have more time.
Happy Saturday,

Friday, December 3, 2010

"The run that never was"

Due to a few complexities at work I ended up getting off and hour early yesterday. This fact put me into the scenario of "hmm, I was expecting to not have enough time to go to the gym before school so I was going to run at the lake but now I do have enough time which shall I choose.
If you read my post from yesterday I was apprehensive about running. My achilles are not fully healed and my knee.. well IT Band issues like the hang around. So I made the choice of the gym. I figured it may be a blessing in disguise. Yes I could run but one push off too hard and I could be back to square one with my achilles.
In my mind I figured since I had extra time I could push a little harder at the gym than normal. So I made the goal of 1 hour straight on the stair climber, level 14. Then follow that up with 10 min. on the bike. Both of these I did. I managed 4 min. total running time on the climber. This was a first when staying on for an hour. Normally do 40 min. with 2 min. run time. I was pretty wobbly when I got off. My legs were still fatigued from the work out that morning. I am finding that I enjoy exercising my legs when fatigued. I mean it's not fun but it's good for progress. I feel bad while doing it but a good bad.
So this morning I was exhausted from getting about 4 hours sleep last night. Got home late from school. Then could not sleep. When 5am rolled around I just committed to going because number one i was already up. Number two it was Friday. Figured I could suck it up for another day then hopefully sleep well and long tonight.
Today's morning workout included 25 fairly easy minutes on the bike then what turned out to be a really good core workout. I just sort of flow while at the gym. Picking and choosing intuitively what I think my body needs. Today was no different. I did incline bench sit ups,pull downs,side leg raises,standing side bends holding 65 pound weights. Also eek'd in a few machine exercises for the lats. All and all I felt good. Tired but good.
So tonight I will do 50 hard minutes at the gym. I don't have any more time than that before I need to be home. I plan on doing a solid 30 min. on the climber on level 15 then as fast as I can go on the bike for 20 minutes. My legs are a bit sore today from the pile of this weeks work outs but no injuries. I did have a smallish tweak deep inside my lower back from doing heavy squats but it has since gone away.
I look forward to seeing how my mix of cardio and strength training will translate to running. How fit will I be?
Hopefully tomorrow while at the gym I can take some pics and video of a few things that are part of my routine. I am hoping Derek can come down next Saturday for a nice hike and a marathon session at the gym. Will be good to both see him again in person but also to have a good friend to do my routine with.
Happy Friday Everyone,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This and that on Thursday

As has been for the last two months I was up at 5am to do my routine. Stumble around the house gathering gym clothes,work clothes,school work,laptop and lunch. A few rumblin's to my family if they are up by the time I am leaving then off to the gym.
I have decided to take some video this coming week of a few of my go to exercises that I personally find very helpful in trail,mountain running.
So the gym routine this AM was a little different than normal. I have class this evening after work which will not allow time for me to drive to the gym.. do my cardio for the day then still make it to school on time. With this reality I decided to do 30 min. cardio on the stationary bike then lift weights for 30 min. Normally in the AM I do 10 min card to warm up then spend the rest of the hour lifting weights/stretching.
What shall I do for my evening workout? Well I have not run AT ALL for over 2 weeks. Not even a trot across the parking lot. So… I know I have said I will not run until Jan. 1st and I still hold to that. BUT I am going to do 4 miles this evening on the trails. Not full on running. I plan on doing a light jog and at any signs of pain I will stop and walk. Then pick back up until any signs of pain reappear. To me this is not running.
My concerns are for my achilles tendon on my right leg. I had a small tear appear several weeks ago from being overly aggressive doing weighted calve raises at the gym. I know this take some time to heal and do not want it to progress into something chronic. But I feel my conservative approach to todays speed walk will not effect the healing of the tendon. I guess parts of me inside are a little nervous about my knee also. IT Band issues are hell to get rid of. I am not 100% sure my IT is healed. I dread doing this power walk and having it flair up. If it does I do confess I will be very disappointed and frustrated. I have worked on stretching,strength and rest to rid myself of this issue. If I run into pain this evening then all of my work will have been in vain.
So… I shall update everyone on the results of this little experiment tomorrow. I do hope to be a bit more vigilant in taking some pics of everything I am doing so that you get a nice visual to go along with my words.
In closing I would like to say… If you click on the links of products that I mention throughout my post and purchase from those links both Derek and I get a small percentage of the sale. We plan on either using any money we get for our expenses in traveling to Oregon next September for our 100 mile race or donating the cash to charity. Just so you know what we are trying to do.
Happy Thursday Everyone,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The mundane is a must for the sake of progress

Today has been much like many day of the past two months. No running. But I have made a very nice routine to keep my fitness progressing forward even without running. Pretty much shakes out to up at 5am. Out the door by 6am with a belly topped off with fresh oatmeal,raisins,a few almonds,cinnamon and a dash of honey. No sugar. At least the white kind. Also a wee bit of coffee to perk things up.
10 min drive to the gym.... 15 minutes of warm up time on the bike then weight lifting for a solid 45 to 50 minutes. My routine flows pretty much like my running. I do what I feel I should do with some very loose structure to follow. Normally some sort of legs one day,core next,shoulders next,arms next and so on. My go to routine is free weight squats,deadlifts,good mornings and then a sprinkling of many other weighted exercises. Most of my ideas come from the book by Human Kinetics which can be purchased here Running Anatomy.
I have put on a good bit of weight which is normal when I am not running and my body is shifting into muscle building mode. My goal is maximum power with the least mass. I have almost tripled all of my weights since I started this daily routine 2 months ago. Yesterday I was able to eek out 200 pounds on my squat with 6 reps after three sets of 140 10 reps. I saw spots and wanted to pass out when I was done with the 6 reps!
So then it's off to shower.. then the depressing drive to the place I make money at. Snack mid morning,solid lunch snack mid afternoon with some coffee then off to the gym again for the evening session......
The evening session typically consist solely of cardio work. My go to's are the stair climber which is like a mini escalator and the stationary bike. The stair climber is ALWAY open because it's the hardest thing in the gym. One hour and your drenched in sweat. Half hour your also drenched in sweat! I have been able to run about 4 minutes of the usual 30 to 45 that I do on it. My goal is to run 20 solid minutes. Then after 30 to 45 on the climber it's a quick stretching session then onto the stationary bike. A solid 20 to 30 on that and off to the shower and b line home to do homework,eat and hang with the family.
So it has been for the last 2 months. Man I can't wait to run again!
Oh oh oh.. one more thing before I go into algebra mode. I purchased a bike!!!! Planning on commuting to work a few days a week on the rail trail. 18.5 miles each way. Will be a nice cardio work out that DOES not involve being inside.
What has been going in my ear at the gym as of late... would be slayer,terror, sick of it all in the am weight lifting and pod runner mixes in the evening. See this link:
So that's it folks. Hopefully my friend Derek drops a not to update everyone on how he is doing and what he is up to.

A conversation on depression....

Derek wrote:
was thinking about you today- While I was busy at work, trying to burn off work frustration, I kept my mind at ease by thinking of a long run! Being that both you and I are not running now(but are on the Rest Now, Run Stronger later plan), I was thinking of you and I at Pine 2 Palm next year! Wish you the best brother- hope we can hang soon-
Jesse wrote:
 i too think about those things derek when i am doing squats in the gym at 6:00am in the morning. i am not paid to do it. there is no glory. alone in the corner of the gym giving it my all. putting a deposit in the bank of endurance and mental strength. in this i find life endurance to push through the pain and trials i face. its a small gentle voice that i begin to hear. made audible by suffering. there is joy to be found in suffering if you listen. I often forget this.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Let the games begin

As is sit here on this November 29th evening I hardly feel like a runner anymore. I have not run but maybe 40 miles in the last two months. After running injured in my goal race of the year the Megatransect I ended up with a nasty case of IT Band pain. I believe this was due to my altered stride to compensate for the pain of my original injury.
Either way I have been sidelined from running for TOO long now. I have been keeping my fitness through weight lifting,stair climber and stationary bike 7 days a week. This has also help keep my sanity to at least some degree. I have finally begun to heal but am not fully healed. Hard to believe there will come a time where I once again consider myself a "runner".
So on Jan. 1st of this year my journey will begin towards my first 100 mile race next September. Its funny that the person that has come into my life to take on this journey with me is also suffering from IT Band issues in the same leg as me.
Together we will both battle to come back from the depths of doubting if we truly are "runners" to take on one of the toughest races one can take on. A 100 mile mountain run in the great state of Oregon, named Pine to Palm 100.
Will you follow us on this journey? If you do I will have been honored to have you along.